【台湾友好議連とワンヘルス調特委の合同視察 in 台湾】


 台湾総統府 黄重諺 副秘書長(日本では内閣官房副長官に相当)、台湾日本関係協会 笵振國 秘書長、故宮博物院 簫宗煌 院長、新竹サイエンスパーク管理局 王永壮 局長などとの忌憚の無い意見交換の中で、日台関係において福岡県が過去に果たしてきた役割をしっかりお伝えし、未来を見据えた新たな関係構築に前向きな共通認識を持つことが出来ました。












​{Celebration! Fukuoka Prefecture and University of Hawaii Sign Memorandum of Understanding}
 We have just received a great news!
 The University of Hawaii, which is already conducting research on One Health, and Fukuoka Prefecture, which has made the promotion of One Health a major policy, were able to sign a “Memorandum of Understanding for the Promotion of One Health.
 The signing ceremony was attended by Governor Seitaro Hattori of Fukuoka Prefecture and 11 universities including Kyushu University, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka Prefectural University, and Kurume University, all of which have departments related to One Health, including medical, environmental, and dietary fields.
 It is hoped that this will lead to the establishment of “one-health studies” in Japan and further expansion in the field of education for the promotion of one-health that Fukuoka Prefecture is promoting.
 I am sure that Kazuhisa Kiriaki, Chairperson, Isao Kurauchi, President of the Kyushu Association for Self-Reliance, and Shoji Akita, Chairperson of the One Health Special Committee, must have been deeply moved by the signing of this agreement, which they finally achieved after visiting the University of Hawaii three times since last year.
 As an elected representative of Miyama City, where the One Health Center, the core center of One Health, is located, I will make every effort to make the southern part of the prefecture a sacred place for One Health.